About Us
The CT State Colleges and Universities Foundation cast a more prominent talent net inviting professionals from the business community, alumni rank, and visionaries willing to network, mentor, hire, and engage our students. We reached community partners looking to engage with our Board and create programs to “follow our students.” Our guiding principles include intergenerational, multilingual, free to use any pronoun, and guidance towards family self-sufficiency and pride.
We provide scholarships that “follow our students” in and around the 17 public colleges and universities with three units: four CT state universities, 12 CT community colleges, and Charter Oak State College. Our vision creates internships, apprentice programs, and employment. Our students move from believing to achieving with the ongoing support of The CT State Colleges and Universities Foundation and its philanthropic partners!
Executive Board

Mark Hanna

Thomas W. Watson
Vice President

Carey Csezko

Krystin McCauley Watkins
Assistant Secretary
Board Of Directors

Alex Jacobs-Hajian

Brittany Baisch

David Wan

Nick Ciantra

Sean McCaffery

Todd Cooper